Reading’s draft Local Plan includes developments for our area
Reading Borough Council has been developing plans to help guide future developments up to 2036. The plans set out how the council will tackle the need for substantial new development over the next two decades, including up to 700 new homes each year.
The former Cox & Wyman works in Cardiff Road is included in the plan (labelled WR3a on the map), with a proposal for between 70 and 110 new homes on the site, and this development is likely to start within the next 2-3 years.
Included for the first time is the area incorporating the Manrose Manufacturing factory in Meadow Road and the Ayres Removals site at the end of Ross Road (WR3b), which is also earmarked for housing. There is also a proposal for more housing in Richfield Avenue (WR3c) and another (not shown on the map) for housing on the Carters site off Caversham Road. These three sites are unlikely to be developed in the short term.
The council is looking for comments on the proposals – the complete draft plan, supporting documents and instructions for giving feedback can be found at
The deadline for comments is 5.00pm on 14 June.
(Map courtesy of Reading Borough Council)