Our Heritage Open Days walks are back in September

Our area has lots of fascinating history, and this year we are organising heritage walks around our area again in September as part of Heritage Open Days. The walks will take place on Friday 13 and Saturday 14 September and will last about 90 minutes.
Entitled ‘Caversham Road: An area shaped by Victorian aesthetics and innovation’, the walk will take in much of the area’s Victorian industry, showing signs of what remains and pictures of local scenes from the era. We’ll also be looking at some of the original Victorian architectural features that survive to this day.
Further details and booking at www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/caversham-road-an-area-shaped-by-victorian-aesthetics-and-innovation-tickets-948165768337. Please note that places will be limited to 12 per walk so prior booking will be required.
These walks get booked up quickly, and we are keen to offer them to as many local people as possible. Please book early to avoid disappointment.
We’ve also made the walk into a 20 minute documentary – you can watch this here: