Plans for Carters site revealed
After several months of waiting it has finally been revealed that Bellway Homes is the purchaser of the Carters site in Caversham Road. Bellway has just submitted a planning application to Reading Borough Council detailing proposals for the site.
The application is for a mix of houses and flats totalling 60 in all, with 30% (18) of the dwellings being ‘affordable’ (20% below market rates or the option of shared purchase) – so in a way similar to a scaled down version of the Printworks development on the former Cox & Wyman site. First impressions are that the quality of the design looks decent with reservations about how the Caversham Road frontage will fit with the townscape and questions about whether at least part of the existing Victorian facades could be retained. We are also unsure about the safety of the proposed entrance from Caversham Road, which is on the inside of a bend.
The full planning application can be viewed and comments submitted at
(Photo: Bellway Homes)