Newport Road street party 2014
Saturday 31 May 2014 – we’re back again, with another excellent street party for the Big Lunch weekend! The weather was fine, and about 150 people came again for an afternoon of fun. The famous ‘hook a duck’ game and egg-and-spoon race were back, and another fiendish quiz, this year courtesy of Rod – with prizes provided by the Standard Tandoori. We also had a bike repair workshop, face painting and a cake stall courtesy of Sarah from Addison Road that raised money for Bell Tower. Many thanks to all the volunteers who helped and the residents of Newport Road for hosting. And special thanks to Andy from the Moderation for providing another free and very tasty barbecue!
- The bunting’s flying, Newport Road’s officially closed, and we can finish setting things up.
- Here’s Sarah with partner Ruben and their excellent cakes.
- The children’s activities get going…
- …and the face painting courtesy of Joy, the vicar of New Hope and her assistant Sarah.
- Soon the party is in full swing, with plenty of lively conversation and family fun.
- Here’s Steve the bike wizard at work (and Richard sporting the latest in fashionable workwear!)
- Andy and his team from the Moderation provided an excellent barbecue as ever (and the food was free).
- The kids were having a great time…
- …but we’re not sure what a pirate was doing here!
- Last year the lads got together for cricket – this year was mostly football…
- …and of course not to forget the egg-and-spoon race, back after a rest in 2013.
- Finally it’s time to take the bunting down. Here’s to another great party next year!